Sunday, 9 September 2012

Using a real world GPS with FSX

I have my Garmin GPSMAP 295 working with FSX :) I can't believe how easy it was.

Now I need to figure out how to fix the GPS to the MIP. It came with a bracket to fix it to the yoke, which I what I used when real world flying, but even if the Saitek yoke would take the weight (which I doubt) it's not ideal as it gets in the way. I found an panel dock by AirGizmos but it's pretty pricy at $100 plus shipping and again not ideal as the screen is flush to the panel which would make it tricky to see and use.

The 295 came with another fixing intended for use in a car. This is just a sticky base, and I may be able to just stick it to the top of the glareshield (when I have a glareshield).

Alternatively I may be able to fix the yoke bracket to something behind the MIP and cut a hole for it to protrude through.

For now though, I'm just chuffed it's working. And for nothing!

I'll try to summarise how I did it.

1 comment:

  1. Can you tell me how you managed to get your 295 working with FSX. I have just bought a 295 and want to use it in my FSX cockpit.
